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December 5, 2012

Do blogs have birthdays ?

This one certainly does, and TODAY we celebrate the one year anniversary of this blog -- my first post was on December 5, 2011.  Besides being entertaining for you, it has allowed me to chronicle events in the rose garden for an entire year, and I will be comparing future happenings with benchmarks that are documented here (and also assuring that the blog will have at least one reader).

As far as adding posts in the future is concerned, I'll do it only when there is something significant to add.  There will not be a repeat of "first bud of the year", "first bloom of the year", etc.  However, I will continue to add updates to existing posts whenever it is appropriate.  The updates will be easily identifiable by the bold red flag:  Update of Month dd, yyyy: .  I've already done this many times this year.

So, let's wrap up the celebration with a photo that I took today.  The wet foliage is SO typically Northwest.

'Voodoo' seedling born:  June 12, 2008
Photo taken:  December 5, 2012

Update of December 24, 2012:   The above 'Voodoo' seedling continues to bloom -- the rose bush is in a fairly good location to capture the intermittent (and brief) periods of sun that shines this time of the year.  This morning I took my final 2 photos for the year, but we certainly end on a cheerful note:

Photo taken:  December 24, 2012
Photo taken:  December 24, 2012