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August 14, 2016

An unusual occurrence

I  was in the garden this evening when a rather unusual thing happened:  one of those non-stop flying machines, otherwise known as a cabbage white butterfly, stopped to stay overnight on one of my rose blooms.   Strangely enough, the rose bloom that it chose is the closest thing that I have to a cabbage rose, an old fashioned rose better known as the Provence rose and also Rosa x centifolia.  I'll leave it up to you to visit Google Images and search for the cabbage white butterfly and cabbage rose.  My rose, shown below, is actually a seedling derived from one of my 'Queen Elizabeth' roses, and I tell more about it in my post of September 16, 2015 titled An "old fashioned" rose.

If we pretend that my rose is a cabbage rose, then this is probably the only place that you will ever see a cabbage white butterfly perched on a cabbage rose --

Photo taken:  August 14, 2016
Photo taken:  August 14, 2016