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December 5, 2011

So what's that photo on Mike's profile ?

I'm glad you asked.  It's a seedling of mine that I grew using the 'Queen Elizabeth' rose as a parent.  It was the result of open pollination, which very likely was "self" pollination.  Here's a closer look at my rose, which has the characteristics of a floribunda.  The photo was taken on July 7, 2011.

At the time of the photo,  the above rose was in its 3rd growing season, because its birthday was April 11, 2009.  It should be said that the 'Queen Elizabeth' rose itself is not white.  For some nice pictures, search Google Images for the "Queen Elizabeth rose".  Very nice rose, and very pink.

One thing I do without exception is to take a photo of each of my seedlings when it opens up its very first bloom.  For the above rose, that day was July 10, 2009, just 3 months after the rose's birthday !  Here's a photo of that first bloom --